The Activated Living Podcast

Erin Oberlander & Top 5 Challenges of Spring

Episode Summary

Erin Oberlander is a Certified Holistic Aromatherapist and is also the co-creator of the new seasonal and annual online program called Intuitive Living. As the Spring Equinox comes right around the corner, we discuss the Top 5 Challenges of Spring. This is such an elevated conversation where we discuss detoxification, specific herbs that aid in cleansing the body, ancient traditions such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda, and more. We also connect discus the mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and social aspects of self care, along with some suggestions and tips to integrate these modalities into your life.

Episode Notes

I'm so excited to welcome Erin Oberlander to The Activated Living Podcast. Erin is a Certified Holistic Aromatherapist and is also the co-creator of the new seasonal and annual online program called Intuitive Living. As the Spring Equinox comes right around the corner, we discuss the Top 5 Challenges of Spring. This is such an elevated conversation where we discuss detoxification, specific herbs that aid in cleansing the body, ancient traditions such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda, and more. We also connect discus the mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and social aspects of self care, along with some suggestions and tips to integrate these modalities into your life.

Visit Erin Oberlander



Intuitive Living - Seasonal / Annual Program

Registration Opens March 21st